Dates generator

Posted by josh on July 18, 2001 9:01 AM

Need a formula to generate the next 100 days based on a changing weekly schedule. Days of week and Start Date are variables. The 1 means valid, 0 means skip. Any suggestions would be helpful.


Posted by dkh on July 18, 2001 9:25 AM

Not sure what you mean by days of week being a variable, but you could use the WEEKDAY function and trap the days you want, i.e.

if weekday(dayToCheck) = 4 then workThisDay = 1

Posted by Josh on July 18, 2001 9:44 AM

Each time the sheet is used, the valid days of week is entered by user. Need a formula to forecast next 100 DATES based on schedule, given a start date.

Posted by dkh on July 18, 2001 12:39 PM

It sounds like you already have some user input in mind. Does the user type in the text "Wednesday" in one specific cell, "Saturday" in another,...? Check a box? Enter a number in a cell?

Posted by Josh on July 18, 2001 12:57 PM

The user will fill in a template with the start date and check a box for each weekday to be counted. checks or '1's doesn't matter for the example.: It sounds like you already have some user input in mind. Does the user type in the text "Wednesday" in one specific cell, "Saturday" in another,...? Check a box? Enter a number in a cell?