Coverting rows to columns...

Posted by David on May 09, 2001 9:53 PM


I have a spreadsheet that I would like to 'flip' the rows and columns. What I mean is Row 1 becomes Column A, 2 becomes B, 3-C and so on. The data and formulas would have to move as well, ie. the data/formula in C3 on the original would have to be in C3 on the new sheet. I am drawing a complete blank on this one and I can't seem to find anything in any books. The program was designed in Excel 98

Thanks to all. This is a great resource site and thank you to those that take the time to answer all the questions.


Posted by Kevin James on May 09, 2001 10:13 PM

Hi David,

Look at the syntax for TRANSPOSE. It is probably what you are looking for.


Posted by David on May 10, 2001 12:58 AM

Thanks. I could not figure out what it would be called. I knew it had to exist.


Posted by amroo on May 10, 2001 1:59 AM

Look at the site :
at the function TRANSPOSE().
You will find good things that help you for more applications.

Posted by amroo on May 10, 2001 2:05 AM

Sorry but there iare mistake in the description of the TRANSPOSE ()function.
In the line - enter values in the cells A1:D2 not B2
In the line - in the formula bar type :=transpose ($A$1:$D$2) not (A1:B2)
Good work

Posted by IML on May 10, 2001 7:56 AM

Transpose is also an option from paste special
