Hi Lewis
I looked at Jaime's answer to your previous post and altho it worked for me I came up with something a bit simpler.
Assuming all you want to do is count A's in A1:A10, enter the following into A11: =COUNTIF(A1:A10,"A"). This doesn't have to be array entered ie just type/paste it in and hit enter.
Ian G
sorry about that
looking at jaime's formula again i couldnt't see why it wouldn't work. when you say you couldn't get it to work, did it return the #DIV/0! error message? if so it probably means you didn't press ctrl + shift + enter keys at the same time instead of just the enter key to to enter the formula. beyond that i don't know.
Ian G
sorry about that
Looking at jaime's formula again i couldnt't see why it wouldn't work. when you say you couldn't get it to work, did it return the #DIV/0! error message? if so it probably means you didn't press ctrl + shift + enter keys at the same time instead of just the enter key to to enter the formula. beyond that i don't know.
Ian G
The following refs explain what the array formulas are.
for an explanation how the array-formula
=SUM(1/COUNTIF(A1:A12,A1:A12)) [ due to D. Haeger, I believe ]
works. By the way, this one requires that there are no blank cells in the range that is given to it.
Pearson has more on counting unique entries (including a workbook: UNIQUE.XLS) at
See also:
where the same question has been answered.
Hope this helps.
If your list will always be in sorted order with
adjacent like values (as is the case in your sample
data) you could use the following array formula:
The approach also presumes that the cell immediately
following your list (in this case,A13) is blank.