I'll assume that you have the names of stocks in column C. If not, I'd suggest doing that.
In D1 enter: =IF(B1>0,RANK(B1,$B$1:$B$2000)+COUNTIF(B$1:B1,B$1),"")
Copy down this up to row 2000.
In E1 enter: =MAX(D1:D2000)
Name the cell E1 MaxNumRecs via the Name Box.
In E2 enter: =IF(ROW()-1<=MaxNumRecs,INDEX(B$1:B$2000,MATCH(ROW()-1,$D$1:$D$2000,0)),"")
Copy this to F2 and then down as far as needed.
You'll get a table of average closing prices and stock names in columns E and F without blank rows.
A Side Note. In a reply to a problem like yours, I suggested to array-enter the formula in D1. I think that's not necessary.
I'm posting from school without any check. I hope everything is as intended.
Thanks Aladin.
But I need the averages in the same order as they appear in col.B because I'll use them along with the dates for futher manipulation. Your solution does give me the values without blanks, but they're rearranged in some order.
Thinking that you might have such needs, I had suggested an additional column where you'd have an identifier with the every average that is bound to change its position. You say that you have dates, couldn't you put corresponding dates in C the system of formulas that I suggested take them along with averages. Wouldn't that be enough for your purposes. Otherwise, I don't see how the order of appearance of averages is relevant and sufficient for further processing. Any comments?