conversion of num to time

Posted by DAS on September 21, 2001 2:22 PM

I have datat that comes in following form:

The the last two digits always represent minutes and will never be more than 59. The rest of the number is hours, so 10121 would be 101 hrs 21 mins. 4 would be 4 mins. I need to be able to add two of these pieces of data. If the mins don't add to over 59, no problem. Problem is when I need to add two numbers such as 1045 + 39. Should be 11 hours 24 mins or 1124.


Posted by DAS on September 21, 2001 2:45 PM

Re: sounds basic but it's not-pls read

Posted by IML on September 21, 2001 2:52 PM

Assuming your number are in column A, try
format this cell [h]:mm
You should now be able to do any calculations.

good luck

Posted by DAS on September 21, 2001 3:13 PM

Re: THANKS! Worked great.