You could use formula =
Good luck
Select the range of interest, activate Format|Conditional Formatting, choose "Formula Is" for Condition 1, and enter
I assumed your range to start in A1. Change this to the start cell of your range. Use no $-signs around the cell address.
Activate Format and choose the formatting you want.
Click OK.
I took the cell values, not rows. So look at IML's propsal. :)
Acutally I mispoke....I said even number rows...I should have said odd. I agree, =MOD(ROW(),2)=0 does work, but how do I check for the opposite to get the odd number rows instead? Or, how do you test to see if the function is false?
off-line. That would be:
That solved the problem! Thanks for your efforts!
Thanks for trying...appreciate all the help.