Changing rows

Posted by Tezza on August 18, 2001 6:27 PM

How do I copy to a single cell, a cell which after each days entry moves down one row????? I am trying to improve on a previous basic sheet I made up ealier. Due to incompetent entries I have to make this as numpty proof as possible. I can email you the half finished work I have at the moment if it would help clarify my problem.

Posted by Mark W. on August 18, 2001 6:33 PM

What's a "numpty"...

...and by chance do you really want to copy a single
cell or reference it with a formula?

Posted by Mark W. on August 18, 2001 7:18 PM

Nevermind...I found it at...

...can you tell I'm bored! : )

Posted by Tezza on August 21, 2001 7:22 AM

To Mark W. Re my moving cell problem

My Apologies for not replying sooner Mark. A Numpty is Scottish slang for an idiot! Anyway I would like to copy the cell which moves down a row each day to a single cell by whatever means possible. I have been trying various functions to calculate the row number, then using VLOOKUP to go to that cell. I have now got a value, rather than an error, but it is not the value contained in the cell!!???!! Can you help PLEEEEASE, I promise I won't ignore you for as long this time. I'm on a three week deadline to finish this spreadsheet, and there would be much egg on my face if I don't get it done. Cheers Tezza.

Posted by Mark W. on August 21, 2001 7:48 AM

Re: To Mark W. Re my moving cell problem

Tezza, are these values that you're adding each
day numeric or text. If they're numeric...
will return the last numeric value in column A
(as long as all of these values are less than
9.9999999999999E+307, the largest possible value
in Excel).