There is not function in Excel to convert numbers to text. For your month problem you could use this formula:
If your month number is in A1. You then format this as a custom format - "mmmm".
Taking up your month-problem.
If it's the case that A1 contains, say 4, meaning the fourth month, and you want the name "April" in B1 & you need doing this often enough,
I would suggest constructing a table on some sheet which looks like:
1 January
2 February
3 March
Select the cells of this table and name the table MONTHS via the Name Box.
Go now to the cell B1 (adjacent to A1 containing the number 4) and type
Hi marcandre
To expand on the above you could use:
To covert the number in A1 to a Text month name.
=TEXT(1,"General") will convert the number in A1 to a text number.
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