cell formatting, #value!

Posted by steven scaife on September 27, 2001 4:15 AM

i am using the formula below which someone has suggested to me and this removes the zero from the column if the value it is looking at is null.

this is fine when it pulls a number through, but when its text it places #value! in the box instead of the text string.

to resolve this i am trying to use the following bit of vba code in a function on a button.

Dim formval As String
Dim celltxt As String

formval = Selection.Formula
MsgBox formval
celltxt = Selection.Value
MsgBox celltxt
'If Selection.Value = 0 Then
'Selection.Value = ""
'End If
If Selection.Value = 0 Then
Selection.Value = "=" & "if(selection.formula, selection.formula,"""")"
End If

i am trying to get it so that it places the following formula in the box


where b1 is the cell to lookup the value that cell reference will change in each cell.

the formula in the cell is =sheet1!b1

sorry to go on for so long but any ideas
if so thanks in advance


Posted by Robb on September 27, 2001 4:29 AM


Try using this in place of the original:


Any help?


Posted by Robb on September 27, 2001 4:30 AM

Posted by steven scaife on September 27, 2001 4:40 AM

Thats fine with the text strings as it now pulls the text through, but if any cells are empty then a zero is placed in the box. The formula is dragged down the column as well.

any ideas again



Posted by Robb on September 27, 2001 5:04 AM


This should fix the empty cell issue - I'm not sure whether
what you mean by the "formula is dragged down the column as well".
Is that also an issue to fix?

Try this though:


Any help?


Thats fine with the text strings as it now pulls the text through, but if any cells are empty then a zero is placed in the box. The formula is dragged down the column as well. any ideas again cheers

Posted by steven scaife on September 27, 2001 5:15 AM

cheers thats working now.

the "formula is dragged down the column as well".
would go like
cell b1 would have the formula =IF(Sheet1!F1="","",IF(ISNUMBER(Sheet1!F1),IF(Sheet1!F1,Sheet1!F1,""),Sheet1!F1))
cell b2 would have the formula =IF(Sheet1!F2="","",IF(ISNUMBER(Sheet1!F2),IF(Sheet1!F2,Sheet1!F2,""),Sheet1!F2))

etc etc. just in case you was interested. cheers anyways.


Posted by Robb on September 27, 2001 5:21 AM

the "formula is dragged down the column as well".

Posted by Robb on September 27, 2001 5:22 AM

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on September 27, 2001 9:50 AM

: i am using the formula below which someone has suggested to me and this removes the zero from the column if the value it is looking at is null.

Steven & Robb,

I was that one. I didn't consider the possibilty of non-numeric values. A shorter version that would also cope with non-numeric values is:

