
Posted by sfarr on January 16, 2002 12:08 PM

I have a column of text which has been entered in ALL Caps. I need to have this information formated in initial cap or PROPER form.

I have read about the PROPER built-in command but do not understand how to use. How can I convert the ALL CAPS text in this column to be Initial Cap.

Posted by Mark W. on January 16, 2002 12:14 PM

Actually, PROPER isn't a command -- it's a function.
And like all functions it is entered into a cell.
So, suppose your text is in column A beginning
with cell A2. Enter the formula, =PROPER(A2),
into the 2nd cell of an unused column (say, B2)
and copy down for all values in column A.

Posted by sfarr on January 16, 2002 1:06 PM

This worked perfectly. Thanks