There's probably an easier way to do this than
the way I'm suggesting, but here's a go at it:
I assume that the dataset is in a range called
DATA, in column B, starting in B1. Prepare
three empty columns (I'll assume G, H, and I).
From G1 through Gx (where x is the number of
cells in the dataset), use the control-shift-enter formula
For sanity's sake, let's call G1 through Gx DATA2.
You can keep column G hidden.
H1 through Hx should have the (normal) formula
I1 through Ix should have the control-shift-enter
Column G extracts unique entries from the
dataset. Column H sorts the data from smallest
to largest, and Column I does the math.
I've assumed, of course, that you have numeric
data. If you have alphabetic data, you should
check out Chip Pearson's page
to get the formula to use in Column H.
Thanks for your response. I'm now wondering if I should have provided a little more info. Thete are appr.
3000 entries in the one column. They are numeric, but they are a decimal figure.