Calculating differences in time

Posted by Beth on July 19, 2001 8:29 AM

I have a spreadsheet where I need to track online time for several customer service reps. I need to be able to enter the number of hours per week that they are logged on to the system, minus the number of hours that they are on "unavailable" or otherwise manually remove themselves from the system.

Ex: Jane's Login Duration is 39:38 hours for the week but she was unavailable 9:43 hours and manually off 3:47. My sheet is set up like this:

Name Logged Unavail Manual Avail
Jane 39:38 9:43 3:47 ?????

What I can't seem to accomplish is to format my cells for proper display and what formula to put in under AVAIL that will calculate and give me hours online.

Please help!

Just FYI, I have 16 reps I track this way.


Posted by Mark W. on July 19, 2001 8:39 AM

Format as [h]:mm
Use =A1-SUM(B1:C1) where A1:C1 contains...
Logged, Unavail, and Manual

Posted by Beth on July 20, 2001 7:27 AM

Geez, you know, I feel so stupid! That was just too easy. Thanks so much. I can't tell you how long I've been fighting this.