Automatic item (line) counter
Posted by Joan L. on September 15, 2001 5:28 PM
I am looking for a way of automating a column I call "Item Counter," on an Excel log that I keep for adjustments. Its not critical, but I usually am in a hurry and sometimes forget as I number hard copies that are filed in a cabinet alphabetically, not chronologically. Its hard to imagine but things get mixed up with over 2,000 lines of adjustment. Anyhow, what I am looking for specifically, is the following. In cell A5 (for example), I want it to be BLANK, until I put ANY data in cell A6. That is, the cell will show NOTHING until I put data into A6, then A5 should equal A4+1, with the first item in the log carrying the starting #.
(Got any ideas? I am not an Excel expert, so this may be a question everyone can answer
but me. Sorry)