Array, Match, and Index question
Posted by Matt Fuller on October 15, 2001 5:13 AM
I am creating a report that compares 2000 and 2001 sales. The industry I am in makes this a bit of a challenge. There are customers that purchase direct from many different manufacturers and some customers buy through distribution through many different distributors. I need to capture total sales for each direct and each distributor customer, without loosing the detail of which distributor they purchased from or which manufactures they used.
I have a customer master list with customer numbers assigned to each customer and subnumbers show the distribution channel used. Using these numbers and subnumbers I would like to match them up with the data extraction I have done for 2000 and for 2001. Is there a formula that will sum the numbers at each change in customer number/subnumber? I have started doing this with simple index and match functions, but I have to incorporate some kind of sum or dsum function, but I don't know how to write it.
Thanks for any help!