Hi Malc
Take a look on my Website under "Handy Hints" you will see an example of how to highlight duplicates using Condintional Formatting.
...Or if you like a could whip up a quick macro to give you a detailed list ?
OzGrid Business Applications
Is it not simply:
=COUNTIF(A1:C12,Num) or
where 1 as second arg of IF stands for Yes and Num is the name of the cell in which the target number is.
Malc, as alternative to my Conditional Formatting method, you could select a range of equal size and enter this formula as an array in the active cell.
OzGrid Business Applications
So here's what I did
>1,"Duplicated","Not Dup'd")}
So an array formula is a quick way of calculating a number of results for an array?
=IF(COUNTIF($A$2:$C$13,A2)>1,"Duplicated","Not Dup'd")
Copied into the same array shape does the same thing? or am I missing something
I didn't do the quick macro thing as I generated the numbers in a macro in the first place and wanted some other check to make sure of validity.
So anyone want a macro that picks 12 random numbers for each month of the year where the same number is not repeated for 3 at least 3 months. Hmmm lotto results anyone.