You don't need to enter the SUMPRODUCT formulas as array formulas.
What follows is more important: Array formulas and SUMPRODUCT formulas cannot have a whole column (e.g., A:A) as a range specification. When you don't know the exact range, because it changes regularly in size, you can do the following:
(1) Create the so-called named dynamic ranges.
(2) If you can keep the formulas in the same worksheet as the ranges it uses, you could use a UDF (called Used) that computes the ranges in a given column dynamically.
The second is not, I reckon, an option in your case. So, we will define named dynamic ranges. I'll do these for ranges in A and in B where you have dates and officers, respectively.
Activate DATE [ I thought it was DATA instead of DATE. Lost 1/2 because of this misreading. :( ]
Activate Insert|Name|Define.
Enter LastRow as name in the Names in Workbook box.
Enter the following in the Refers To box:
Activate Add (don't leave the Define Name window).
Enter also DATES as name in the Names in Workbook box.
Enter the following in the Refers To box:
Activate Add (don't leave the Define Name window).
Enter also OFFICERS as name in the Names in Workbook box.
Enter the following in the Refers To box:
Activate OK.
On Sheet1 (where you have your Weekly Credit Checks),
in B5 enter: =SUMPRODUCT((DATES=B$4)*(OFFICERS=$A5))
This formula (or an equivalent array formula) has a boolean arg [ * means AND ]. I suppose that's what makes them difficult to understand.
Maybe the following can tell you how it works:
Activate B5, go to the formula bar, select (DATES=B$4), and hit F9.
You'll see:
Select now (OFFICERS=$A5) and hit F9. You'll see:
Select {..}*{...} and hit F9. You'll see:
Select the whole thing at this stage and hit F9. You'll see: 2.
It thus computed first 2 arrays of TRUEs and/or FALSEs. Multiplying these two arrays coerces Excel to treat TRUE values as 1's and FALSE values as 0's. Multiplication yields a single array consisting of 1s and/or 0's. Finally, it just "sums" what is in the resulting single array. A result that represents a multiconditional count.
I leave the macro question to you.
PS. The workbook is underway to you.
Thanks for the explanation, it does really help. I understand the reasoning for making dynamic named ranges, but will there be a way to keep this updated if a user adds a sheet of data, and uses that data? or is this impossible? if i use "DATE!" in the named formulas, what if the user wants to put in data form "OLD DATE" sheet? I know I could name ranges for that too, but i need them to be created automatically so that users can update data without me modifying the named ranges everytime they need me to...Any ideas would be appreciated.
found a way to change the name of the dynamic ranges using my code :)
You should restrict all updates (that is, additions [new data] and deletions [deleting rows]) to a single worksheet, that is, to DATE. The defined ranges then will be always corrrect.
I ask the user for the name of the sheet they want to use, then use that name to change the dynamic ranges. Heres the code I'm using:
Sub SheetSelector()
Dim ChooseSheet As String
Dim CurrentSheet As String
ChooseSheet = InputBox("Enter the EXACT name of the sheet for this week")
CurrentSheet = ActiveSheet.Name
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="DATES", RefersToR1C1:= _
"=OFFSET('" & ChooseSheet & "'!R2C1,0,0,COUNTA('" & ChooseSheet & "'!C1),1)"
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="LOANOFFICER", RefersToR1C1:= _
"=OFFSET('" & ChooseSheet & "'!R2C2,0,0,COUNTA('" & ChooseSheet & "'!C2),1)"
Range("B5").Formula = "=SUMPRODUCT(('Dynamic Multiple Countif.xls'!DATES=B$4)*('Dynamic Multiple Countif.xls'!LOANOFFICER=$A5))"
End Sub
it looks like you'll soon join the VBA army. :)