That's brilliant - many thanks - kept my boss off my back with that one!
These "pivotal points" always have some reason behind their
These "pivotal points" always have some reason behind their
existence. In this case, Excel is using 15 bits of memory to deal
with the TIME function. 2^15 = 32768 possible numbers that can be
represented. Since they are using 000000000000000 = 0, then
111111111111111 = 32768 - 1 = 32767, which is the last point you
notice the function to work.
Depending on what you are using this function for, I would probably
recommend embedding a mod function to deal with this limitation.
If you don't care about the hours, and just really want to know mm:ss, you
can use =TIME(,,MOD(mycell,3600))
The mod function MOD(A,B) will return the remainder of A/B
so in this case, it will return the mm:ss after "dividing out the hours".
If you do care about the hours, perhaps use:
Hope that helps...