Get rid of the space b4 format
Get rid of the space and then use format.
You'll need to do more than eliminate the space...'ll also need to convert it to a numeric
data type. I recommend that you use the formula,
=SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","")+0, to convert a text value
in cell A1 and format it as 000 000-0000. Before
you delete the original values you'll want to
perform a Copy/Paste Special Values on the cells
containing this formula.
Re: Get rid of the space b4 format
In case you don't know, a quick way to do this is to highlight your phone number row, hit control F for find and hit your space bar once in the find section. the click replace and finally replace all.
Good luck
Use Find/Replace to substitute " " with "". Then
use the Data | Text to Columns... menu command to
re-parse the text value and cause it to be
coerced into a numeric one. And, then format the
column as 000 000-0000.
Assuming that you don't have a preceding or trailing blanks, just use:
If you do have blanks, then "Trim" the value first, i.e, Trim(A1)
Modify the cell reference as a necessary, of course.
Actually, for your format you should create a custom format (not the pre-defined Special format). The format is ### ###-####
I think, though, that you'll have to re-input all the numbers. Formatting the cells with the existing numbers will not change their format.