Custom Border/Backgrounds
Posted by Jamal on February 23, 2001 6:39 AM
I would like to create a custom border for my
Excel Spreadsheet report. How would I go about creating one and applying it?
My second question is about applying pictures in the
background. I have a picture (I think it is a bmp or
jpeg.) I want this to be in the background with the report OVERLAYING it. I pasted the picture on a blank sheet and then copied the text as a picture over it. This works, but it is time consuming and requires a lot of editing and resizing. How can I quickly and easily choose a picture in the background of any sheet, make it fit to the size of one full page, and allow my report to appear LEGIBLY in the FOREGROUND without making the text a picture? I could apply a picture to any page that already has data.
I would appreciate your help,