Posted by Steve on August 08, 2001 8:30 AM
How do I use Conditional Formatting to highlight cells that do not contain 1 of 6 values. If a cell in the column does not contain A, B, C, D, E, or F, I want it to display in red text.
Posted by lenze on August 08, 2001 8:52 AM
Use either OR or AND functions:
Posted by Steve on August 08, 2001 9:00 AM
Thanks, but I tried that. It doesn't work.
Posted by brent on August 08, 2001 9:58 AM
Condition 1 - pick Formula Is
Posted by Steve on August 08, 2001 10:02 AM
I'm sorry, I used this as an example. The letters are not sequential
Posted by brent on August 08, 2001 10:12 AM
Try it. Start the block at the uppermost cell, if that cell is "a1" then the formula would be =a1>"f"
It worked for me - one column. I hadn't tried two or more.
Posted by lenze on August 08, 2001 10:21 AM
This seems to work for me
Posted by Steve on August 08, 2001 10:22 AM
If I'm looking for cells that do not include M,Q,T,A and F?
Posted by brent on August 08, 2001 11:08 AM
If I understand the parameters this time:
Forumla Is =IF(A1>"A",IF(A1<>"M",IF(A1<>"Q",AND(A1<>"T"))))
Posted by Aladin Akyurek on August 08, 2001 11:14 AM
> If I'm looking for cells that do not include M,Q,T,A and F?