(1) Click in the cell where your data starts (for instance A2 if row 1 contains headers and your data starts in column A).
(2) From the worksheet menu bar, click on Format > Conditional Formatting.
(3) Under where you see "Condition 1", click the little down arrow to choose and display "Formula Is".
(4) Let's say the specific column that might contain the word "economy" is column C. In the white box to the right of "Formula Is", enter this formula: =$C2="economy" Note the absolute reference for column C and relative reference for row 2.
(5) Click the Format button, then choose whatever formatting you want to alert you when "economy" exists, and click OK.
(6) Now back onto your worksheet, copy cell A2, and Paste Special Formats to all the other cells in your range.
Tom Urtis