From the Excel Help topic for "Tips on entering
"Regardless of the number of digits displayed,
Microsoft Excel stores numbers with up to 15
digits of precision. If a number contains more
than 15 significant digits, Microsoft Excel
converts the extra digits to zeros (0)."
While this doesn't fully answer your "why" it's
the best I can do.
Thank You so much for your quick response ! I did find this at Mircosoft
OR Search for Q78113.
But the implication doesn't make sense, there has to be a way to paste into excel, a number that is greater than 15 digits. Not even as text maybe ?
This might help. I would want them ultimately in numbers but I can work with text for now as well as don't necessarily need to manipulate the numbers. My key point is that I will be pasting these from another application in excel, not entering directly.
if you change the spreadsheet's cell format to text before you paste it will work
Another option is to put a space in the number or split it across a number of cells. You can then Concantenate back together for any calculations that need to be performed from it. This way you do not lose accuracy.
A bit lumpy but does the job for odd occasions.
What are these numbers? Credit card numbers? Why
doesn't your application represent numbers of this
magnitude in scientific notation?
Rob, this doesn't gain you anything. Might as
well store it all as text (as suggested by anon).
Remember, concatenation of 2 numbers produces
a text value. Furthermore, as soon as the
long text value is coerced into a number for
computational purposes the precision is lost
anyway. Excel uses floating point registers that
only accommodate 15-digit precision.