Illegal Operation error in Excel

Posted by Shashi on December 28, 2001 1:04 AM

When trying to open a shared workbook stored in the file server, Excel gives "EXCEL caused an invalid page fault in module EXCEL.EXE at 0177:301f1ebe" error message.
Software version: MS Office 2000 SR-1
O.S.: Windows 98 SE

Thanks & regards

Posted by Jack in UK on December 28, 2001 10:34 AM

Hi there
Sounds like Exel being difficult, first Win 98 SE i do not like as has many problems sorry but thats my opinion. E2000 SR1 should be fine, even unpatched see microsioft Web page for updates, i dont by the way and i too use E2000 SR1

Now fault is a pain, is it just this sheet?
Nows not the time to go on about autobackup on save as but....

Ok the OP is local what is the network Novel or NT, your IT dept should have varify on the tree root so re vrift, or rebuild Excel IT should have system to do this via Dos, and only takes 10 mins MAX, and re open all will be well

Excel is broken and rebuild is the only way....

Thiught is Excel from Server ro Desktop?? Need to check rebuild either way.


Posted by broos on January 30, 2002 1:29 PM


I've got a similar error when adding a search formula in my excel sheet. After applying the formula i got the excel.exe caused illegal.. error and while i had already saved my document i cannot open it again.


What about rebuild - can I read the information in the sheet any other way using other apps?
