"Cannot Empty Clipboard" message

Posted by Doug Kelner on October 25, 1999 12:00 PM

Has anyone encountered the message "cannot empty clipboard"
when doing a copy/paste? Even doing a paste/special/format
results in the message.

Microsoft is saying that a communications program (we use
RHUMBA to communicate with the mainframe) uses the clipboard
and causes problems with Office 97. We did not have any
problem until we upgraded to Office 97.

Are they blowing smoke? If not, does anybody know of a
workaround (short of shutting down RHUMBA)?

Posted by Adrian Hill on January 06, 2000 1:08 AM

We also experience this problem - however we do not use
RHUMBA - we are experiencing the same message whilst
using Reuters software which has DDE real-time links with Excel.
It occurs on one machine only and it's not the machine that's the problem
since we have swapped it out - possibly VB macro problem but not sure..
If anyone has any ideas - let me know please!!!