Can not save workbook

Posted by Steve Yang on February 08, 2000 12:28 PM

I constantly work on large workbooks with 30+ sheets. The workbook was bult by copying a format sheet and modifying the newly added sheet. Many times when I tried to save the work an error msg showed up - "document not saved". If I tried to move the sheet to a new workbook, I got a msg of "permission denied". I can only highlight the sheet and do a copy and paste to another workbook. The help msg indicated the workbook was protected or write-only. But it wasn't the case. What's the problem? How do I fix it?

Posted by Tom Law on April 26, 2000 11:55 AM

Did you ever get an answer to this? I'm having
the same problem. I'm trying to update a file that
I got off our server, and I get this message, even
if I try to save it to my local hard drive.