Can Not Empty Clipboard

Posted by Russell Carr on September 05, 2001 8:37 AM

I use a macro to copy data from several colums to the next, then copy data from other excel files and paste the data into the active speadsheet I am working on.
This is all done from a macro as serveral people update the data on a daily basis.
When I run the macro I get a very annoying message of,
"Can not Empty Clipboard" with an OK button.
The can happen half way through a macro so only part of the process is complete.
I have searched and searched, probably in the wrong places like the microsoft web site, but with no luck.

I use office 97, so upgrading may solve my problem but thats not the point!


Posted by Russell Hauf on September 05, 2001 8:39 AM

You may want to include the line:

Application.CutCopyMode = False

After each paste you do. Not positive it will work as I sometimes get this error just working in Excel, but it's worth a try.

Hope this helps,
