Try using the "Find & Replace" command. We've got a database I get exports from that does the same thing. I've been able to use Find & Replace to clean these in an instant. (Edit-->Replace and then put your undesired quote in the "Find what" box and leave the "Replace with" box empty.
Hope this works for you!
I don't think Edit>Replace will work, but I'm not sure. You may have to use =Clean(A1) and copy down and across, then PasteSpecial as values over the top.
OzGrid Business Applications
I am very new to excel. I searched documentation and I wasn't sure what you meant by using =Clean(A1) and then using PasteSpecial. How exactly do I go about this? Thanks!
You may have to use =Clean(A1) and copy down and across, then PasteSpecial as values over the top.
Hi Josh
CLEAN is an Excel function that removes all non printable characters frm text. In my example "=Clean(A1)" this would remove any single quotations preceding the text in cell A1.
Here is what you should try:
Insert a new Worksheet and then put:=TRIM(Sheet1!A1) Of course you would substitute "Sheet1" with your sheet name.
Copy this down rows and across columns until you have referenced all your cells that have text with the single quote preceding them.
Now highlight your entire sheet (grey square in the corner of "A" and "1") then push Ctrl+C (to copy), now go to Edit>PasteSpecial-Values-OK. This will replace all formulas with their values.
Hope this helps
OzGrid Business Applications