to protect formulas in certain cells

Posted by carolyn R Gallegos on September 14, 2001 8:15 PM

You sent me the information and that does work if you
are doing a colume. But I can't get it do just cell j6 then k10 then g2, do you understand what I mean?

Posted by Carolyn R Gallegos on September 14, 2001 8:24 PM

Posted by carolyn R Gallegos on September 14, 2001 8:26 PM

Posted by Robb on September 14, 2001 8:34 PM


Follow the process I outlined but, when you come to protect
the worksheet, ensure only protection for "contents" is checked -
if necessary, uncheck the other 2.

Any better?


Posted by Robb on September 14, 2001 8:41 PM


I just reread what you posted and, just in case you are not sure how to select
only the cells you want (the ones with formulae):

-Select the first cell you want
-Hold down the Ctrl button
-Use your mouse to click on each other cell you want in turn (this will select them)
-When you have selected all the cells you want, go straight to the main menu
as I indicated before (with the cells still selected)
- Go throught the protect routine I posted earlier
-In the Protect Sheet box ensure only "contents" is checked

This should then leave the selected cells locked to change.

Does this help?
