Sum formula for #DIV/0

Posted by LARS on August 21, 2001 9:11 AM

Is there a way to add two numbers together if one of them has a #DIV/0. I can take care of the #div/0 by an Iserror formula but even with one cell having that a the other having a number the cell that adds those two up still comes back with nothing.

A1 = 215,642
B1 = - (=if(iserror(
c1 = - C1 should add a1 and B1 and come back with 215,642 but it comes back with nothing because of the formula in B1



Posted by Russell Hauf on August 21, 2001 9:16 AM

You could set B1 to zero if IsError.

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on August 21, 2001 9:22 AM


If the formula (could you post that in follow-up?) in B1 does its job well, you shouldn't any difficulty in summing A1 and B1.


Posted by Mark W. on August 21, 2001 9:24 AM

Lars, you don't need to use ISERROR in your B1
formula. Just test the denominator to see if it's
0 and, if so, return 0. For example,


Posted by LARS on August 21, 2001 9:55 AM

Thanks guys