Revise multiple linking formulas

Posted by Dwight on June 14, 2001 8:57 AM

I have a spreadsheet ("January")with many formulas linked back to another ("Master Spreadsheet"). For instance, the Master Spreadsheet has a monthly interest rate keyed in for Jan-December in cells B1-M1, and the "January" sheet has a cell for that month's rate which links to '[Master Spreadsheet.xls]'!$B$1. Now I want to copy over the January sheet to create 11 more sheets and name each one for a month, and then adjust the formulas so that every formula which in "January" referred to $B$1 in the Master sheet will in "February" refer to $C$1, and so on. So, in essence, I want to take a whole bunch of formulas and change any references they make to cells in "Master" one cell to the right, while not changing any references to cells not in "Master". Is there a very efficient way of doing this?

Posted by Dwight on June 14, 2001 9:05 AM

Never mind; turned out to be easy Find & Replace EOM