I am desperately in need of solution for .....how to get the formula

Posted by Kishore Kumar on September 06, 2001 11:08 PM

All the values in rows(Names)remain constant,whereas column(Names) will change from project to project as shown:

Problem:(H)is what I want to retreive using a formula to display from corresponding workbook like projectA,ProjectB,ProjectC in summary file.

RESOURCES 1600/FTE 2001 2002 2003
OE Sales Hours 100 100 100
AD Sales Hours 400 200
Marketing Hours 300 100
Customer Eng Hours 250 200

RESOURCES 1600/FTE 2002 2003 2004
OE Sales Hours 100 100 100
AD Sales Hours
Marketing Hours 300 100
Customer Eng Hours

RESOURCES 1600/FTE 2003 2004 2005
OE Sales Hours 100 100 100
AD Sales Hours 400 200
Marketing Hours 300 100
Customer Eng Hours 250 200

Years to read:
current: 2001 Note: these categories are the same as in the sheet "plan" in the project files, for resources
next: 2002 Note: per table, read indicated year only

Note : (H) stands for hours to be displayed

current:2001 OE Sales AD Sales Marketing hours -------------------------------------------- Project A (H) (H) (H)
Project B (H) (H) (H)
Project C (H) (H) (H)
Based on the year(here it is 2001 , it can range from 1998-2010 (these values are not to be changed) I should be able to display the following (if year is 2001, I should be able to open the workbooks (projectA, projectB, projectC) and read the values based on the year(here it is 2001) vs row values(like OE Sales,AD Sales,Marketing,Customer Eng) and display correspondingly on the "summary workbook".

Special request I am new to excel programming, so please please check it out.

I am desperately in need of solution.

Posted by Kishore Kumar on September 06, 2001 11:13 PM

Mr.Aladin Akyurek,Mr.Dave please see to help me out