Do you highlight the entire row ? or just some parts ?, what color ? (NT)
Re: Do you highlight the entire row ? or just some parts ?, what color ? (NT)
Re: Do you highlight the entire row ? or just some parts ?, what color ? (NT)
I highlight the entire row, color is "post-it note" yellow
Re: Do you highlight the entire row ? or just some parts ?, what color ? (NT)
I highlight the entire row. color is light yellow
I highlight the entire row. The color is light yellow
Re: Do you highlight the entire row ? or just some parts ?, what color ? (NT)
Try this with this User Defined Function. To use it, create a new module in the VB Editor, and copy this code.
Now in excel, in the cell you
want the result (Has to be same sheet where you will do the "count"), type
If you need it to be more flexible, just say so.
Public Function CountHL() As Long
Dim F As Long
Dim i As Long
F = Selection.Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row 'Because it's not always last WITH data
For i = 2 To F
If Rows(i).Interior.Color = 65535 Then CountHL = CountHL + 1
Next i
End Function
Juan Pablo
Re: Do you highlight the entire row ? or just some parts ?, what color ? (NT)
If the color is Light Yellow then use
instead of
Juan Pablo
but I think I'm a little lost. What goes in the parenthesis? And how do I use all this?:
thanks for your help Juan