Extracting formulas rather than values

Posted by Barry Katcher on August 28, 2001 12:53 PM

When I use Advance Filter to filter a list and opt to copy it to a different location on the spreadsheet, Excel seems to copy values only, not any of the formulas in the original list. I want to send the filtered lists to various departments and have them insert and/or edit their own data. When they do this, the cells that should have formulas in them now have the values from the original list, and the spreadsheet returns incorrect figures in those cells.
Is there any way to copy the filtered list with the formulas intact? After I do the copy, I can always do a macro to copy the formulas from the original list to the filtered list, but this is cumbersome, inefficient and lacking in grace.

Posted by Alan on August 28, 2001 5:44 PM

Presumably PasteSpecial>Formulas is no good since it will make relative changes to cell refs in the formulas.
What about using PasteSpecial>PasteLink ?
Other than that, a macro is probably necessary.

Posted by Barry Katcher on August 29, 2001 10:05 AM

Nice thought, Alan, but the Advanced Filter doesn't appear to support any Paste Special options. I just spent a couple of hours adding Copy and Paste lines to my macros.