Eric or anyone else......

Posted by Kris on August 23, 2001 10:15 PM

ON sheet 1 I have schedule like this:

A(col) B C D E
Thursday Friday Saturday
Name Lic. 8/16/01 8/17/01 8/18/01

Jill Smith A 7a-3p
Bob Boon B 3p-7p
Sue Hill B 7a-3p
Joe Jones B 11p-7a

This will stretch out for 2 months
On sheet 2 I want to be able to type the date & have who is working(& their lic.) and the time they are working come up.

Is this possible with the the way I have sheet 1 set up

Posted by Kris on August 23, 2001 10:22 PM

Here is what sheet one should look like,

Col A

Col B

Col C

and so on with the times & days

Posted by Eric on August 24, 2001 5:59 AM

Need one clarification please

In C1 you have day of the week, in C2 you have date, and in C3 you have a range of time. It appears to me that the range of time (e.g., 7a-3p) ought to have it's own column so that it is aligned by row with the names of the people. Am I misunderstanding your spreadsheet design? Col C

Posted by Eric on August 24, 2001 7:49 AM

Re: Here is what sheet one should look like,

If I assume the following layout,
a1 names, b1 license, c1:?1 are dates
then you can do the following to pull out info for a specified date

In sheet2, A1 type a label like "Input Date in A2". In A2 type the date in which you're interested. Copy sheet1, columns a and b to sheet 2 columns b and c. Since the a and b columns from sheet 1 don't change based on your date criterion, they are effectively labels. In D2 enter the formula
but change the 6 to the number of the last row with a name in it in column b.
You can then change the date in A2 and the D column "shift" times will change to match the newly entered date.
It seems to me that I'm interpreting your question too simply- am I missing something? Col C

Posted by Eric on August 24, 2001 11:20 AM

Also, if you have employees for which there are no entries on that date...

You could use an autofilter on sheet2 and select non-blank to keep the data together in rows. : Col C

Posted by Eric on August 27, 2001 8:20 AM

Check your email- the second one (NT)

A(col) B C D E