Entry and sort of dates prior to year 1900

Posted by Joe on April 01, 2001 6:26 PM

Excel appears to accomodate date cell for years after 1900. Entry of dates prior to 1900 are entered as text. Is there a convenient way to enter and sort on dates refering to years prior to 1900 - say the 1700's?
The only way I have figured out is to enter the dates in text cells using the yyyy/mm/dd format. This will give the correct sorting order. Are thewre other ways than this? Particularly for dd-mmm-yyyy formats wher month is the 3 letter abreviation often used in genealogy.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Posted by mseyf on April 02, 2001 7:49 AM


John Walkenbach has an add-in available on his site for dealing with dates prior to 1900.


