Date Range

Posted by lucky on January 30, 2002 7:19 AM

Hi all!
I have 2 dates entered in 2 cells on sheet1 e.g
a1 = 01/05/1999
a2 = 01/09/1999
and I wish to automatically produce a monthly range on a separate sheet that begins with the date in sheet1!a1 and ends with the date in sheet1!a2, i.e. resulting in;
a1 = 01/05/1999
a2 = 01/06/1999
a3 = 01/07/1999
a4 = 01/08/1999
a5 = 01/09/1999
the date range will vary from a few months to up to 24 months.
Any ideas??

Posted by Juan Pablo G. on January 30, 2002 7:43 AM

How about this formula ?

In Sheet2!A1 put


in Sheet2!A2:A24 put this formula


Then, format this as


or the date format you want.

Juan Pablo G.

Posted by lucky on January 31, 2002 2:00 AM

Thanks, but

Thanks Juan Pablo
How would I make the cells in Sheet 2 show no value instead of 00-Jan-00 when they are not required?
I attempted with the following which worked for one cell directly after the last date but then produced #VALUE! for the remaining cells

Cheers again!!

Posted by Juan Pablo G. on January 31, 2002 7:28 AM

Re: Thanks, but

Did you tried the format I told you ? that's to hide the 0's.


Juan Pablo G.

Posted by lucky on February 01, 2002 6:13 AM
