
Posted by Jack on August 15, 2001 11:05 AM

i have a problem with the format of a date

=NOW() returns 15-Aug-2001 this is fine but i need a formula say if statm that will say true to a date thats and 15-Aug regardless of the year so will return just 15-Aug for 15-Aug-2001 and say 15-Aug-2000 and so on,

Any ideas????

tried left and rights but seams to return decimal date which wont convert.....

Posted by Mark W. on August 15, 2001 11:20 AM

=TEXT(ref,"m/d")="8/15" where "ref" is a cell
reference containing a datevalue

Posted by jack on August 15, 2001 1:05 PM

CCheers mate, ive spent some time clear mind and have come up with this

=TEXT(C20,"dd-mmm") So thanks for that