Calculating the differencfe in days between two dates

Posted by Sarah Powell on March 14, 2001 2:04 AM

How do I calculate the differnence in days between two dates?

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on March 14, 2001 3:38 AM

In C1 enter: =B1-A1

where A1 and B1 contains your dates. Format C1 as general.


Posted by Dave Hawley on March 14, 2001 7:23 AM

Aladin, there is an Excel Function for this


It will aslo take "m", "Y" etc


OzGrid Business Applications

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on March 14, 2001 7:56 AM

Yes Dave, I know. I chose a form that is informative. That dates are jusl like numbers to which oordinary maths ops also apply.

Aladin , there is an Excel Function for this

Posted by Dave Hawley on March 14, 2001 8:17 AM

Sorry, just trying to help!

OzGrid Business Applications