automatic date
Posted by Bouko on September 06, 2001 11:40 AM
I'm looking for a way to achieve the following:
When entering data in an cel in column A I would like the current date and time to automatically appear in column B so the cell in column B will show the date/time I entered something in the cell column A (next to the cell in column B). I want the date/time to be a fixed date/time, I don't want it to change.
On entering something in a different cell in column A, in the cell next to that one (in column B) the current date/time of the input in column A should appear automatically as a fixed date/time.
This way it will be clear on what date/time I entered something in column A.
After saving the sheet, the next time I open it the dates/times will still have to be the same as they were the first time.
Can anyone help me with this?