1004 Application Object Defined Error

Posted by Shane on September 15, 2000 11:21 AM

A client of mine is constintly recieving a '1004 application object defined error' when opening Excel 97. He can answer the error and get passed it but is getting the error every time. Have you heard of this happening and if so why and how can I fix it!?

Posted by Ivan Moala on September 15, 0100 12:27 PM

your client may be getting this from an addin
or another workbook loaded in upon startup.
Check the startup file location for any applications loaded.
Start location usually ;
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\STARTUP
or whereever the office files reside.

To check the addins loaded;
Tools / Addins ......then deselect the addin

OR try rergistrying excel;

Goto Start / Run and type in;
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Excel.exe/regserver

Other then that I'm not sure ??

