Click Data-Sort and choose ascend or descend
you can find out about all of this stuff in the help file under "sort command". Let's assume you have one column of numbers you want to sort from lowest to highest. Select the data you want to put in order (Excel calls it "sorting") and go to Data-->sort, you may get a message telling you that you have data in adjacent cells and asking you if you "want to expand your selection", in this case tell it to "continue with current selection". That gets you to the sort dialogue box, it asks you to identify the column with which to sort (it has to be the only column you've selected), the direction of the sort (highest to lowest or vice versa) and there's a click box for "header row" or "no header row", you can click that back and forth to get an idea about its function. Then click "OK" and your data is sorted. If you're not happy with what happened in the sort, click Edit-->Undo Sort to revert to original sequence. If you select more than one column, you can sort all of the rows according to the values in a single column. For instance if you had 3 columns with last name, first name, phone number, you could select all three columns, go to Data-->Sort, tell it to sort by Last name, and click OK to alphabetize the list. You have to select everything you want sorted though.
One tip to save you from messed up sorts is to put a new column in before you start sorting, call it "original order" and label the rows 1,2,3... so that if you want to get back to your original order and the undo sort is not available, you can just re-sort the data based on the original order column.
Good Luck!