Hi Adam
If your list will be changing all the time then, Yes you will require code. But try the Data>Filters>Advanced Filter set to Unique item only.
OzGrid Business Applications
Dave said below in this thread that:
"If your list will be changing all the time then, Yes you will require code. But try the Data>Filters>Advanced Filter set to Unique item only."
You might consider a formula-based solution wrt a list that will be changing all the time. If you don't mind messing with relatively complex formulas, that is.
I'll assume the list of numbers with duplicates occupies the range A1:A8.
Step 1. Name the list of numbers RawSourceList via the Name Box.
Step 2. Array-enter (hit control+shift+enter to enter) the following formula
B1 =SUM(IF(A1>RawSourceList,1),1) [ copy down as far as needed ]
Step 3. Name the range B1:B8 LocList via the Name Box.
Step 4. Enter
C1 =IF(ISNA(MATCH(ROW()-ROW($B$1)+1,LocList,0)),0,INDEX(RawSourceList,MATCH(ROW()-ROW($B$1)+1,LocList,0))) [ copy down as far as needed ]
Step 5. Name the range C1:C8 SortList via the Name Box.
Step 6. Name the range D1:D8 NoDupsList via the Name Box and array-enter
D1 =IF(ROW()-ROW(NoDupsList)+1>ROWS(SortList)-COUNTIF(SortList,0),"",INDIRECT(ADDRESS(SMALL((IF(SortList<>0,ROW(SortList),ROW()+ROWS(SortList))),ROW()-ROW(NoDupsList)+1),COLUMN(SortList),4))) [ copy down to D2:D8 ]
Step 7. Enter
E1 ="$D$1:$D$"&COUNT(NoDupsList)
Step 8. Name E1, e.g., SelectionList
Step 9. Go to the cell where you want to have your dropdown-list. Activate Data Validation, choose the option List for Allow on Settings, and type
as Source.
I tried this and this didn't work any more help please ??
You'll get the workbook thru email showing the machinery.