drop down box

Posted by colleen on September 19, 2001 8:28 AM

how do I create a drop down box in a cell. I would like it so that others that are using the spreadsheet can only chose from choices I have selected for that cell.

Posted by Tom Urtis on September 19, 2001 8:42 AM

Try using data validation for this purpose. Highlight the range you want to create the drop down list for, then click Data > Validation, and on the Settings tab choose List from the Allow field, then in the Source field
either type in the choices you want (separated by a comma) if you only have a few of them, or enter the absolute range as a formula referring to where you have elsewhere entered those choices. For instance, in the Source field, you can enter Red,White,Blue, OR =$B$1:$B$25, if you have 25 choices and have listed them in B1:B25.
After that, you can click on the Input Message or Error Alert tabs to customize the messages your users will receive, then click OK to complete the data validation set-up.


Tom Urtis