If all your "standard data" begins GE... how about sorting the whole sheet alphabetically and then all the GE rows will be together and the rows with the odd text will be together, you can then block remove the rows with the odd text.
If the rows with the standard data have to be in the order they currently are, add an extra column and number from 1 to howver many for each row before you sort the list, then you can resort the whole list by this new column to return it to it's original order once you've deleted the extra rows.
hope that's clear
I suggest you use the Data, Filter,Autofilter command on this column. Then click on the down arrow and select (Custom...) Change "Equal" to a setting that will enable you to display only the cells you wish to clear. For example, "Does not begin with" and a "GE" seletion. (Not knowing the pattern of the data I can not suggest a specific criteria. Once you have figured out the proper criteria, so that only the cells you want cleared are showing, simply high light the cells and (remeber to exclude the header) and simply Edit Clear. Or right mouse button command "Clear contents". By doing this you clear only the cells that are displayed on your screen. To have the hidden cells reappear you select DATA,FILTER, SHOW ALL.
If you want to delete the row instead of clearing the cells you may do that also. You would click in the left row grid shading all rows to be deleted (remember only the rows containing the cells you don't want are appearing) then use your right mouse button and DELETE. You redisplay rows that still hidden by selecting the DATA,FILTER, SHOW ALL.