Don't know re capitalist/non-capilist sheets - have you checked all the validation settings?
For converting text to Upper case, I use a toolbar button with the following macro. Please note that this macro deliberately does not work on cells that contain a formula (since otherwise the formula would be removed and replaced with the value).
Sub Upper()
Dim Rng As Range
For Each Rng In Selection.Cells
If Rng.HasFormula = False Then
Rng.Value = UCase(Rng.Value)
End If
Next Rng
End Sub
Macros for Lower and Proper can be done by substituting Rng.Value = UCase(Rng.Value) with :-
Rng.Value = LCase(Rng.Value)
Rng.Value = StrConv(Rng.Value, vbProperCase)
I'm not sure if this is your problem, but I've noticed that if the validation refers to a range that contains the choices, entries in lower case are accepted. However, if the validation choices are listed directly in the validation box (i.e. "Y, N" typed in the "Source" box), lower case entries are not allowed.
I found a workaround for now. I took the data range on one of the "capitalist" sheets and named it YN. I then set the range for the data validation on each of the worksheets to be YN (they had all referred to a $A$1:$A$2 type range.
This worked (copying a capitalist range to the other validation ranges had not worked), but I'm still puzzled about what made some--but not all--of the sheets demand capital letters.