Posted by Brian M726258 on February 11, 2001 8:37 AM
I have created a spreadsheet with 2 "sheets".
The first sheet (Names & Costs) has all the data I need to use or reference.
The second sheet (Waste Report) will generate a report using only selected data from the 1st sheet.
What I need is for the second sheet to "auto fill" the selected data from the 1st sheet that corresponds to the number entered on the second sheet.
How can I make the entry of a single number in only one column of cells on sheet 2 reference the number and it's corresponding data on sheet 1 and then fill in the selected data onto sheet 2?
Posted by Brian on February 11, 2001 12:27 PM
Posted by Mark W. on February 11, 2001 1:00 PM
Brian, why aren't you creating your Waste Report by applying an AutoFilter to your 1st worksheet?
Posted by Brian on February 11, 2001 2:54 PM
I copied the first sheet onto the next sheet and did try an auto-filter -- CUSTOM....however, if I selected more than one product code... then it switched all the lines to match the product code I selected last. I will be entering multiple product codes.
For example:
Product Code drop down menu has 100 products listed. When I select a product, the emulsion, the cost, the id # and other various fields automatically fill in to correspond with that product. BUT... then when I select the next product code, rather than the originally selected product remaining and the new data appearing, everything then switches to the newly selected product code. How can I select and display mutiple product data using this method???
Posted by Mark W. on February 11, 2001 3:03 PM
Use an Advanced AutoFilter with a Criteria.
Posted by Brian on February 11, 2001 3:07 PM
I will try that... it is going a little over my head.... my boss seems to think I can do this... but I am beginning to wonder.
If I send you the sheet... can you help me?
I can email it to you?
Posted by Mark W. on February 11, 2001 3:19 PM
Brian, I'm using a thin client that only supports web access. Have you ever used Criteria before? Do you know how to use Excel's Help facility?
Posted by Brian on February 11, 2001 3:22 PM
Here is the sheet basically
These titles are all on one row....
Product # Product Code Product Family
Layer Emulsion # Price per Liter
Waste Amount Reason for Waste
Each title has a drop down menu that allows for various choices... the most important one being the product code... when you select the code, most of the other items fill in - with the exception of waste amount and reason for waste - which can be filled in and later filtered if needed. What I need to do is enable myself to enter more than one product code and show each entry..... how can I do that???
Posted by Brian on February 11, 2001 3:23 PM
Excels help facility??? No... I wish I did!!!
I appreciate your time and effort here tho! :-)
Posted by Mark W. on February 11, 2001 3:33 PM
Re: Here is the sheet basically
Brian, sounds like you'll need a 1 column Criteria. I'd recommend that you add a new worksheet to your workbook and type Product Code into cell A1. Next, list those product codes that you want AutoFilter to display beneath the Product Code header. Keep in mind that each row in a Criteria range is an OR condition. Once you've completed your Criteria return to your original worksheet and choose the Advanced AutoFilter. A dialog will be presented where you'll supply the range of your data filter and the criteria that you want to use.