Condensing multiple rows into one row and adding values
Posted by Caleb N. Diffell on August 23, 2001 5:52 AM
I have a VERY repetitive task that needs a macro to automate: I get a 12,000-line spreadsheet where our invoices are SOMETIMES split out over mulitple lines. What I need to do, is every time (in column AA) an invoice number is listed more than once, to delete the extra lines...BUT...I need to take the dollar values from each of the lines with that invoice (dollar values are in column X) and ADD them to the remaining invoice line. Once the process is done, I need to have only ONE line per invoice. So the macro would first have to find where there is more than 1 line for an invoice by comparing the values in AA (sort by AA first), then ADD the corresponding rows in X to the first row of that particular invoice, then delete the extra invoice lines. Thanks in advance for any ideas!!