List Fill Range Control Box?
Posted by Rick on March 27, 2001 6:25 PM
Dave, I looked EVERYWHERE and I found the Linked Cell
box but there is no "List Fill Range" box or anything
even like it. Any Ideas? I am using Excel 97, is that
List Fill Range only in 2000 maybe?
:Hi Rick
:While in "Design Mode" (little picture of triangle
:and pencil on control toolbar) right click on the
:Combobox and select "Properties". Then put: B1 in
:the "Linked Cell" and: A1:A10 in he "ListFillRange".
:This will fill your Combobox with entries that are in
:A1:A10 and "place your selected entry in Cell B1.
Thanks Dave! I do have a question though...I was