Choise if Control Tip Text are shown in VBA form? PART II
Posted by Pasi Vartiainen on September 22, 2000 6:47 AM
:Posted by Ivan Moala on September 12, 19100 at 00:58:35:
:In Reply to: Choise if Control Tip Text are shown in VBA form? posted by Pasi Vartiainen on September 11, 19100 at 06:27:17:
:Yes you can
:Try something like this in your userform initialize event
:OR something similar.
:You could also put and option button on your userform
and intiate it this way.
:Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
:Dim Obj As Object
:Dim TextOnOff As Integer
:TextOnOff = MsgBox("Turn text Off (Yes) or On (No)", vbYesNo)
:If TextOnOff = vbYes Then
:For Each Obj In Me.Controls
:Obj.ControlTipText = ""
:End If
:'The rest of your code
:End Sub
Ivan posted ansver to my problem, and it's working perfectly... But now there is weird feature on control tip text:
Control tip text appear only objects which are checkbox type, control tip text of option buttons are not shown.
Do I have something wrong, or is this some undocumented excel 'feature'?
Pasi Vartiainen