If you select the relavant label or check box and look at the properties you can edit it by double clikcing on font.
Hope that helps.
Hi Matt
When you say properties do you mean in format control. If yes then where is the "font" item. If no then which properties do you mean.
Sorry, i didn't make myself clear. Using the VBA edior right click on the relavant object - label etc. If you select "properties" from the menu you'll find the font property about a third of the way down. Double click on this and you'll be able to edit the font.
Hope this helps.
Hi and thanks again for your time
If I go into the VBA edior I can't find the relevant object. I have no macros working yet and things like the check box do not seem to be entities in their own right. I can get to properties for the sheet but that has no font entries.
Thanks again
Hi what check boxes are you using??
it sounds like the ones from the Forms list the you can't (well you might be able to but I don't know) change the font easily
if this is the case use the Control Toolbox ones goto_View_Toolbars_Control Toolbox
if you use these then you can right click on the item and veiw the properties and veiw it VBE
hope this helps
Hi Ian
Thanks. I can now get the effects I wanted. Are there any disadvantages to using the Control Toolbox instead of the forms toolbox?
there are far far more distinct advantages,
they work in completely different ways
I'm not good at VB stuff so what I suggest is you look at the properties list and play around with the different options.
One main diffence is that you don't get the link cell option in the format cells box.
it's on the properties thingy